On Friday, September 16, 2011 I sent the email below to Dr. Edward Miller, Dean and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Let's see the response I get:
Just to share with you two exchanges I had with your staff which indicates a failure in the design and implementation of your EHR system.
1. When I brought my husband in for his regular visit, once again he noted that he did not take the medicines listed on the printout. The response was that it was too complicated to change what was there as it would take too much time and anyway his medicines were properly listed in the notes.
2. When I reviewed the letter for my husbands scheduled infusion his medicine was incorrectly listed as Rituzan. When I called to get it corrected I was told that it was a mistake in the coding but that he would get the correct medicine..and moreover it has been incorrectly listed in the system since March when he first started to get his infusions.
Having worked on many aspects of getting legislation passed with respect to EHRs I was surprised and disappointed by the responses I received. EHRs are for more than billing; they are essential for patient safety. If someone is brought into the ER do you think the staff in the ER have the time to read through the notes to know the medications that a patient has taken? The responses of your staff reflect the failure of your EHR system to meet the needs of the health care providers at the front line as well as those of the patient.
I hope that you are able to make your system work better before someone gets hurt. I look forward to hearing from you about how you intend to fix a system which is not working as it should.
Jane L. Delgado, Ph.D., M.S.
President and CEO
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
1501 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1401
(202) 797-4321 Executive Office | (202) 265-8027 FAX
jdelgado@hispanichealth.org | http://www.hispanichealth.org